Almost everyone wants to be loved, but some of them, without realizing it, do not allow love. Opposite sentiments as lack of self esteem or pride can lead to the same situation: the inability to accept love from.

Although it may seem otherwise, when a person believes he loves more than anyone is part of their pride. Stop thinking and can make you realize that anyone who has either love him equally, if not more. The love is a treasure, but not ostentatious, not rivalry and fight with him and not against him.

In the relations is not always true to say that, rule generally, there is always one of the two members of the couple he loves more than the other. Simply, each demonstrating the love and knows how. Receive is love.

Do not allow to be loved, when you want the opposite, is a form of sadness forced to hide behind. It creates a constant lament that stretches all the important things life a person, allowing you to hide behind this feeling and so forget all the responsibilities we have with we thereof.

Allow to be loved does not mean to start a relationship with the first person who says, that would take advantage of the feelings someone. But if you already have couples why not believe that we love? Unless you have given clear reasons to think so, to deny their feelings is a lack of respect. Sometimes he does not love more is more But who is really there.

Love should not be blind, or deaf, or dumb. Close eyes can not see what others feel, not who we listen silent and not talk about preventing understand us. These three attitudes can lead only to feel the love as a drama, denying their true meaning.

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