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The island, Singapore leisure area offers many attractions for visitors all ages, as the Butterfly Park, the insect kingdom and the Lagoon Dolphins. Swimming and sunbathing are also popular along the beach in sand brought from Indonesia. Multi-purpose building structure to be down in the heart of the financial district of Shenton Way in Downtown Core Singapore. The first building to be constructed along Shenton Way, was a place for conferences and exhibitions. Today, it is now renovated and modernized in a concert hall where the building is home to the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. The building is situated on a three acre site at the junction of Shenton Way and Maxwell Road.

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Women Were Considered sexually Until A Few years less than men, for There Were Those Who felt They Were Unable to reach climax. After Several Investigations, it is known that the woman's orgasmic capacity exceeds that of man, but...

Although this is a FACT, there are times when to eat the women to experience sexual dysfunction, a problem as Understood that must be you cause an alteration that is the intimate relationship Unsatisfactory. Both Gynecologists and sexologists recognize various types, one being the so-Called Characterized by sexual dysfunction Usually an Absence of erotic feelings, Which Prevents the vagina, to expand and have lubrication.

Another example is anorgasmia, in Which, as a rule, Contrary to what one might think, women are Able to respond sexually, since it is possible to present plenty of lubrication and genital swelling, however, Have Difficulty Reaching orgasm, Many times by the male disability.

In turn, vaginismus is the Inability to Have sexual intercourse vaginal muscles because the contract involuntarily, consequently, STI is closed and opening it is impossible penetration. The female exhibits this problem Population That Is Able to respond sexually and reach-through clitoral stimulation orgasm.

Also called coitalgia, dyspareunia is known for causing discomfort during sex, it causes intense pain and difficult penetration. Sexual dysfunction is anaphrodisia, which refers to an inhibition of excitation in general because of the absence of erotic feelings, which causes the sexual act seem like a punishment and not a pleasure.

In turn, the anerosia refers to total disinterest towards sexuality, as the women that have not even considered in his scheme of existence, while deviation sufferers have orgasmic sex, but only reach orgasm through masturbation or anal intercourse.

But that's not all, people with the so-called sexual anesthesia complain of not feeling anything when they are erotically stimulating, but they can enjoy physical contact, but when I rub the clitoris does not experience pleasure, and if they can not intercourse determine if the penis entered the vagina.

Women who suffer from frigidity or lack of sexual desire should be aware that often the source of the disorder is not related to physiological factors, but is associated with behaviors learned in childhood. We must take into account that, in general, Latin American society is heir to a model of sexuality that emphasizes the importance of male role, for while this sector is allowed to have sexual experience socially and prove his manhood by public display of his encounters erotic, the females are required otherwise.

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Conditions that originate within the body and alter sexual response and, therefore, difficult to reach orgasm are agenesis (absence of vagina), pelvic region tumors, genital infections, low hormone production and different types of inflammation, such as vulvitis (the vulva) or endometritis (in the tissue lining the uterus). In addition, anatomical and hormonal changes despite being natural also come to have some responsibility, such as during pregnancy, menopause (stage disappears menstruation) and menopause.

Meanwhile, consumption of medications such as tranquilizers and antihypertensive (indicated for high blood pressure) or any surgery involving the pelvic region and injure the nerves in that area can hinder sexual desire and achieve an orgasm.

Unresolved complex
Psychological problems constitute about 90% of the causes of dysfunction, the most common: distortion of what is sexuality, intimate traumatic experiences (sexual abuse or rape, for example), restrictive education, lack of information, monotony in intimate relationships, anxiety, depression, loss of interest in the partner, difficulty expressing sexual desire, fear, pleasure, rejection, fear of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Various research and psychological studies have shown that some complexes have not been adequately addressed can have negative influence on sexual life, for example, the following:
* Abandonment . Believing that all the attention and love shows that are received are insufficient.
* Eternal loyalty to the father and brother own happiness regardless.
* Exert dominant role on the man during sex.
* Exaggerated fear of sex.
* It can lead to not wanting to reward the man.
* To know how beautiful and exciting for men and "dry out" sexually with the looks that the "naked and have" anywhere, can cause the woman to feel disgusted
* Prostitution . Required gifts or other compensation for access to intercourse.
* Feeling guilty because of incestuous act conducted with parent or sibling.

Note that it is highly recommended that when you experience any problems of this nature should not feel shame, it's best to go as soon as the psychologist and sex therapist to provide the best treatment. Remember, the faster you attend, the dysfunction was resolved more easily.

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The occurrence of sore nipples by suckling is a very painful experience for the mother, so you may wish not to continue feeding your baby. However, the problem diminishes when given the necessary protection to this sensitive area of skin.

The enthusiasm generated by the expectation of a baby is indescribable and, once that little gets home, the parents, but especially the mother, is dedicated to providing care, love and education they need to develop as human beings.

One of the most important events during the first six months of lactation is small, since breastfeeding protects and strengthens the immune system (immune) baby reduces the risk of obesity, prevents food allergy and stimulates neurological development.

However, despite the good wishes of mom, this important event can become a torture, even suspended, because the breasts reach very painful injury.

http://www.stherbb.com/blog/ "Of course, problems can occur during lactation, due mainly to make baby suction feeding and engorgement of the breasts, both of which, along with others, can trigger painful cracks in the nipples"

No exaggeration to say that these skin lesions can trigger the abandonment of breastfeeding, "because it causes pain is severe and if the problem is not treated properly, can cause an infection called mastitis" The symptoms are pain and swelling in the breast, as well as appearance of red spots and hardened. If the infection progresses, there may be chills, tiredness, and raising the temperature to 40 ° C.

Change of perspective
First of all, one should not forget that breastfeeding offers great benefits, because:
* More than a million lives could be saved each year if all mothers fed their milk to their babies.
* Children who drink milk industrialized having 3 to 6 times more likely to get sick than those fed breast.
* Breast milk provides all the nutrients the baby needs (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals) but also provides enzymes that promote digestion and immunoglobulin’s that protect against disease.
* For the mother there are benefits as well. There is evidence that women who breastfeed their baby significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

From this point, the specialist said that "it is important that breastfeeding receive the value it deserves and that the doctor, gynecologist or pediatrician is, provide education to the mother about this. Information is required to prepare the nipples, say what to do, for example, women at risk of cracks should be advised to use dermoprotector cream, allowing successful breastfeeding. "

Even in twins or multiple pregnancies, when you have the proper education, it is possible to carry out breastfeeding. "The key is to detect problems early and, better yet, prevent them through the preparation of the mammary gland."

Thus, to prevent skin lesions of the breast can follow these tips:
* Do not apply disinfectants or alcohol, which produce dryness.
* To clean the sinuses use only water or a mild soap as too strong products can also hurt skin.
* After the bath, stop a moment breasts exposed to air. Then apply skin protection cream.
* If the doctor considers relevant or detects an inverted nipple (rather sink to excel in the breast) will be important to give them a little massage with your fingers. It is also helpful to use breast pump or breast pump and bra with cups that have holes at the height of the nipples.
* During breastfeeding, allow the baby to feed for 15 minutes or so, since more time can promote dryness.
* Feed the child frequently (8 to 12 feedings every 24 hours on average every 2 to 3 hours), since a more spaced schedule may result in the baby hungry and do suck too hard.
* If you have pain due to congestion, squeeze a little milk before feeding the baby, to encourage the flow of milk. It also helps to massage your breasts while nursing.

Now when the problem of sore nipples show, can carry out the measures already mentioned and these others:
* Feed the baby first with the least sore breast.
* Ensure that the correct breastfeeding position (the baby's face should always be in front of the breast) and the child's mouth is in a position parallel to the crack, as this seals the injury and prevents it from getting worse.
* Use lined or padded bras that have no plastic liner. Change the fill to keep the nipple dry.
* See if the baby has white spots in mouth, as it could be a yeast infection (thrush). If so, ask your pediatrician for advice to use an antifungal for the child and you.
* After feeding the small, apply some milk and let it topless for a moment. Breast milk has an epidermal growth factor and vitamins necessary for the healing of the crack.
* You can also use special cream to the nipples, and that protects the delicate skin and helps wounds recover quickly.

Breastfeeding brings benefits not only the body but also provides great psychological satisfaction due to the bond created between mother and child. I think this is reason enough to make an effort not to stop breastfeeding because of the appearance of cracks in the nipples, especially since there are effective remedies to prevent and respond.

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There is no doubt that the G spot is a special region in the female erotic geography, because although it is not only relevant, it is one which allows deepest experience a pleasure. Step into the intimacy of this erogenous zone and reveal its mysteries.

Within the formal and informal discussions about sexuality, talk about the G spot has become commonplace. It is sometimes overstated in others disqualified in some more discussion on exact location and some even confused with the clitoris (located between the labia minora of the vulva, i.e., outside the vagina). The truth is that rarely generates indifference, and much has been said about him that is sometimes hard to tell where reality ends to give rise to fantasy.

The G spot is an area inside the vagina, very sensitive and responsive to physical stimulation clearly. It is not known who the first to locate G spot was, but were probably ancient times human beings with curiosity to know what feelings were generated by stimulating different parts of the vagina.


Some Facts about G-spot, Let See It’s True or false?
After the G-spot was presented to the scientific community, the knowledge passed to the general population, although not always with the desired clarity. Therefore, it is worth making a list of the truths or lies told about him.

1. Is there G-spot? Of course it is real and, "there is a point, is a relatively wide area that responds to stimulation with an increase in size. In technical terms we say that is an engorgement of certain glands, which empty their contents into the urethra, and in many women, not all, these glands 'fat', which makes the region, is reached when you get to feel the touch (penis or finger). "

Although the G-spot stimulation produces a lot of sexual gratification and can achieve orgasm, sex therapist points out: "I would not call it 'the zone', but one of the areas. Women are not like men, we have preference for specific regions, such as the penis or the head of it (glans), in response to these stimuli is more distributed. "

2. Each woman has a G spot in a different place and must be sought."Not so, if vagina split lengthwise into three equal parts, is in the outer segment at the top, and its location changes only slightly in each case. But not a bad idea to explore the vagina, because you can find other sensitive areas. The greatest misfortune is that the G spot is a term that is mistranslated because the word that means in English is spot; rather it means 'small area'. When we say G-spot seems to be like a mole and it is difficult to find. "

3. It is an irreplaceable pleasure point. In the words of the sex therapist, this is a very important, "but not even necessary for orgasm, as this can be achieved by stimulating other areas such as clitoris or cervix (lower, narrow part of the uterus). Some women even have orgasms without being touched, and almost everyone can achieve orgasm dreaming, giving us an idea of sexual climax depends not aim to be taken to stimulate a certain area. "

It explains that although you know very well where you are, the woman is not going to excite or have an orgasm if the conditions are. When you are tense, anxious, suffered sexual violence or have experienced a traumatic experience, stimulate the G spot hardly give the expected result.

4. Stimulation of this area is responsible for female ejaculation. There is nothing conclusive in this respect because, all women have a transurethral violent expulsion of fluid (not urine ) during orgasm due to the G-spot stimulation, or stimulation of this will result in expulsion of fluid always.

5. The G-spot orgasm provides different from the clitoris. "In some way is true, since all orgasms are different and vary in quality and intensity, but this does not mean that some are better than others."

The sexologist says that in recent years there have been studies in which brain scans were obtained to help identify which areas are activated during neuronal orgasm "and can not differentiate one from another. What changes is the description that the woman, for some, orgasm and G-spot stimulation of the vagina is 'deeper', and for others it is through clitoral stimulation or other areas. "

6. Not find it or encourage it is to have pleasure."Not true, it is the biggest lie of all lies. Point ".

7. The G-spot stimulation requires a special. "The stimulation should be as it pleases the woman, plain and simple. However, it is worth remembering that erotic feelings are different from others, because, for example, when we are thirsty we drink water for the stimulus disappears, while the erotic sensations always ask more than that generated at some intensity and rhythm. "

For a more pleasant
Although the location and G-spot stimulation can be difficult through self-examination, the sexologist details that are devices that help women achieve this goal. "It is recommended, especially to recognize the feeling and because the invitation is to discover his body."

This is something that almost everyone gives us many problems. We must recognize that pleasure is very important in life and that sexual satisfaction is necessary for the well-being. Unfortunately there is a long tradition of trying to control the pleasure to control people, it is thought to reduce productivity and time-wasting, but this is reversed: those who have contact with your pleasure live longer and better.

I hope we build a society that no longer repress the pleasure or erotic enjoyment and ways to look for when they are in a framework of responsibility and respect for the rights of all, not only permissible but desirable for the people come into contact with pleasure and live.

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If you are looking for an exciting travel in Singapore, then explore the 28,000 acres of Singapore Zoo and see all of Arapaima to zebras. The Zoo does an excellent job of ensuring that many animals are out and visible as possible.

Singapore Zoo also known as Mandai Zoo or Singapore Zoological Garden located at 80 Mandai Lake Road. Singapore Zoo is recognised as the finest zoo in Asia, Popular for its Night Safari attraction, the Zoo has a reaped a long list of awards, both local and international and one of the world's most beautiful. Adopting an open concept, animals are kept in landscaped and spacious environment while separated from their curious audience by wet or dry moats. Heavily camouflaging the zoo environment to match the natural habitat of the different animals helps not only to stimulate the animals but increase visitors' appreciation of wildlife as well.
Who says that zoos are just for kids? Over 28,000 acres containing approximately 2,500 animals, the Singapore Zoo to entertain and educate you, no matter what your age. My favorite part of the Singapore Zoo is the "open concept" design that lets you explore more than 300 species of animals living at the zoo.

The Singapore Zoo has areas as "Wild Africa", "Australian Outback" and "Elephants of Asia", presenting a diverse range of animals. As you travel around the zoo, you can see the animals you may already recognize as manatees, jaguars, and chimpanzees, as well as animals that may not have heard of before, like the Nubian ibex, Crested Macaque, and tapir.

Once you're at the zoo in Singapore, there are several ways to get around. You can walk, of course, but if you are traveling with children or just want to rest your feet, then the zoo's tram can be a great choice for you. The tram makes four stops: the African wilds by the SPH Foundation Conservation Center, next to the elephant ride, and the Pavilion near the lake. You can also take a boat from one side of the park to the other, allowing you to see the serene Seletar Reservoir superior first hand.

The Singapore Zoo also offers "Behind the scenes" experiences-no one addressed to the reptiles, and another focuses on butterflies and invertebrates.

The Singapore Zoo insists on protecting animals and learns about them. Nearly thirty percent of the species at the zoo in Singapore are at risk, and the zoo offers a safe and comfortable for these animals live and breed. The zoo offers educational services to promote conservation, and also participates in wider efforts taking place in countries like Malaysia. For help, consider "adopting" an animal at the zoo.

While the Singapore Zoo offers a fantastic day trip course in an elephant ride, catch a show at Kidzworld Forests, and picnicking at the pavilion by the lake are just three ideas to get started, you may also want to check out Singapore night safari. To make your visit, be sure to see the famous orangutans before you leave!

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Anorgasmia during sex or masturbation is a problem that may lie in both psychological and physical factors. Specialists believe that is a common condition, but not normal, and fortunately there are resources to ensure cope.

It is true that people have reached greater maturity to talk about sexuality and that we have better access to information on that topic, so it's easier to hear conversations in homes, schools and meeting friends about methods to prevent the spread prevent disease or unwanted pregnancy, but there are still serious shortcomings in that knowledge in the field have not been widespread throughout the population or fully apply in our daily lives.

The consequences of this fact beyond what we imagine, since the lack of adequate sex education can be identified as the source of many problems (dysfunctions) that affect the mental and emotional health of a person or at least a factor determinant in the emergence of fears and taboos that a patient cast doubt on the need to go for medical help.

One of the clearest examples is found in the case of anorgasmia, "dysfunction that affects women and men, although much more common in them, and we define as the persistent lack of orgasm despite adequate stimulus is received time and intensity.” It can be caused by physical or organic conditions, but the most common cause often psychological factors.

Many women with this dysfunction "is a broad ignorance or total body, which is almost anesthetized and inanimate, because it is patients who were raised from small restrictively, with prejudice, fear and remorse over his feelings.”

So instead of having freedom to be adequately informed about sexuality or to explore their bodily reactions or stimulate the fondling their genitals, "was instilled that pleasure equals guilt or sin and that this conduct must conform to certain standards for be well regarded, socially speaking.”

Types and Features
The specialist in human sexuality indicates that the anorgasmia can be of two types: "The primary, when the woman has never experienced an orgasm, either through intercourse, masturbation or wet dreams, and secondary, which refers to the patient He was at some point in life, but because of a psychological, physical or combined, but no longer enough."

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In addition to specifying that sexual dysfunction is one that generates more questions, the primary anorgasmia is global, which means it occurs in any situation, while in high school can be selective, e.g. " a woman comes to feel orgasms while masturbating only and not during intercourse because it feels safer, or is unlikely to achieve a climax with her husband because he looks like someone feels attacked, but when meets another man who gives you confidence, you may experience it. Strictly speaking, it's not 'can' or 'can not' climax with either, but come into play several variants, such as individual development, family communication, self-acceptance and the other, it all helps to create privacy. "

With regard to organic or physical causes of this problem, says one of the most common is diabetes mellitus, a condition in which excess blood sugar injures the nerve terminals and prevents genital sexual experience fulfilling. It stresses that it is common for drug use to address depression as a side effect creates the inability to achieve orgasm.

It also reveals that there are certain types of female psychological characteristics make them more prone to this dysfunction:
* Those who experience a lot of guilt. To tell the specialist, has created a social scale of values based on the idea that pleasure is negative and that women are "bad" and "good" is the first openly expressing their desire to have and who masturbate, whereas the latter should "be kind" and, as they can not openly address sexuality or stimulate your body, block sensuality.
* Those in fear of losing control. Although they may have relationships with some normalcy, know your body and let be the man who takes the initiative, but when they feel they can reach the climax, block their feelings, holding back the stimulus and divert their thoughts, they do not wish to fall in uncontrolled emotions and thoughts.
* Women who have experienced situations of sexual abuse during childhood. Not understanding or interpreting what happened, the girl grows up with muddled thinking and this translates, in adulthood, in fear of surrender. It is possible to achieve a degree of excitement, but do not show the climax.

Moreover, when asked how you can tell a woman with primary anorgasmia have ever reached an orgasm when they do not know what it is, explains that "usually talks to her friends, read and compare their experiences, and discover there is 'something' is missing. When you have often imitate what they see on film, breathing and groans, to pretend that reaches the climax, but it does not to lose your partner, because if he discovers that she does not have orgasms, you will feel clumsy and may have problems. But deep down she knows that 'you are missing something important."

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More intense!
Sexual fantasies may play an important role in masturbation, for example, revive a hot scene with your partner, imagine making love with a stranger or remember the image of an erotic film, tricks that are designed to get excited before and during masturbation.

To reach orgasm through masturbation may take a few minutes or last for a long time, which depends on the mood, physical state (fatigue or stress) and degree of arousal.

One more suggestion: the massage in the shower, i.e., head or hand shower "telephone" directly to where the vagina and then start the pubis, touching the clitoral with every stroke. With the hand holding free, adjust the temperature and water pressure for variety of sensations, avoid heavy jets into the vagina, they can cause dryness.

Also during the bath can use another variant: Lie in the tub and position yourself with your legs extended in the shower or faucet fixed, which is more easily controlled in intensity and temperature.

Once in bed, tie a knot at one end of the pillow and rub against her clitoral. You can do the same using the famous vibrators, either electric or battery, which even used for vaginal or anal stimulation. With the same apparatus can test the vaginal penetration, occasionally touching the clitoral, while with the free hand squeezes her nipples.

Equally exciting are the so-called sex toys, which can be used in many positions as the imagination allows. The use of these can help improve sexual health, particularly in women who undergo menopause as a result of thinning of the walls of the vagina, it is known that strengthen the muscles in this area and relax the tension of the tissues, thus which counteracts the vaginitis, a condition in which the muscles of this part of the external genitalia are tightened to such an extent that cause pain during intercourse.

Ensure that both vibrators and toys are made to ensure that materials do not break easily, those made from silicon are the most desirable, but also the most expensive, especially for being a non-porous flexible material that allows easy cleaning. For the use of both devices are essential lubricants to prevent injury and extreme hygiene as a preventive measure of infection in the area.

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Sexologist’s researchers have made clear that inserting a vibrator or Sex Toys into the vagina can stimulate the G spot, which was previously located on the fingers and then excited with the use of sex toys referrals. The intention is that being close to orgasms is the string and gently pulls out one by one the areas, which increases the pleasure.

Some people say that between 70 and 80% of women masturbate to orgasm once in their life, and there are others that have not ever done. Many of those who have tried to start about 20 years, or when they have sex lying, even to combine them to discover new ways to excite and to experience multiple orgasms.

Masturbation is a very personal and private, and often is equally or more rewarding than fulfilling sexual relationship, take this into consideration.

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Remotely away from being a shameful sexual practice, as it is still considered by many people, masturbation is now part of certain therapies prescribed by sex therapists because it helps women to know their sexuality, and even to overcome problems of frigidity or anorgasmia.

Gone are those days when it was said that complacency caused nerve diseases, tuberculosis, sterility, insanity or blindness, on the contrary, today it is scientifically proven that masturbation is natural and highly recommended, as each orgasm reduces stress and anxiety, as the body releases endorphins, hormones that contribute to relaxation.

Particularly when the woman masturbates reduces menstrual cramps and vaginal dryness combats the climacteric period (beginning with the last menstruation, menopause, and with it ends the female reproductive stage and the generation of hormones called estrogen and are common symptoms such as excessive sweating, sudden hot flashes (flushes), fatigue, frequent depression and irritable and anxious). It also plays very important role in the correction of certain sexual dysfunctions, such as frigidity (lack of sexual appetite).

Indeed, sexologists recommend to the women who have difficulty having an orgasm to explore their own body, to discover what things give more pleasure and enjoy it through masturbation. The next step is to share with the couple discovered erogenous zones such that the counterparty to know where and how to play, and thus fully enjoy sex.

The number of women who masturbate is higher than you and I imagine them to perform caress, rub or press the genitals and clitoral lying, sitting or standing, others prefer indirect stimulation, stroking the mons pubis, labia, or by pressing on the area, even inserting a finger into her vulva.

The sexologists also suggest that the clitoral is stroked from top to bottom, front to back or by a gentle circular motion, following pressure and rate sensitivity allows. Indicated is to start slowly and then go faster and with greater pressure checking what he likes or what bothers you.

You have to limit many women keep pace until they reach orgasm and other stops just before climax to start again. They report that when they get to feel like they're about to climax, stick your heels and squeeze your buttocks to the pressure on the anus is greater, or alternately contract and relax the muscles of the vagina and the ass to play with intensity and increase pleasure.

Thus do not have the purpose to reach orgasm but learn to control it, getting lengthen the act as soon as possible, interrupting the strokes at the time and starting pre-orgasmic

Similar indications suggested the man who has premature ejaculation, i.e., masturbation, and feeling that orgasm is about to slow down or cut pit and return to self-stimulate, because this measure may come to dominate the orgasmic response.

Returning to the female self-satisfaction is important to remember that continuously stimulate the clitoris can be painful, so they must alternate caresses with other areas, or you can try cloth or tissue between the fingers and tiny body.

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Some women enjoy the introduction of the middle finger in the vagina, while the others continue to stimulate the sexual organs out. Keep in mind that the clitoral has a side that is usually more sensitive than the other, which can take longer rubbing.

Another way is to pleasure the clitoral between the index finger and thumb, rubbing from one side to the other, using a lubricant, and, if possible, by inserting a sex toys into the vagina.

Vaginal secretions help to caress the clitoral and lips more easily, but can also be used to the use of soft lubricating creams (water based) or simply wet your finger with saliva.

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