There is no doubt that the G spot is a special region in the female erotic geography, because although it is not only relevant, it is one which allows deepest experience a pleasure. Step into the intimacy of this erogenous zone and reveal its mysteries.

Within the formal and informal discussions about sexuality, talk about the G spot has become commonplace. It is sometimes overstated in others disqualified in some more discussion on exact location and some even confused with the clitoris (located between the labia minora of the vulva, i.e., outside the vagina). The truth is that rarely generates indifference, and much has been said about him that is sometimes hard to tell where reality ends to give rise to fantasy.

The G spot is an area inside the vagina, very sensitive and responsive to physical stimulation clearly. It is not known who the first to locate G spot was, but were probably ancient times human beings with curiosity to know what feelings were generated by stimulating different parts of the vagina.


Some Facts about G-spot, Let See It’s True or false?
After the G-spot was presented to the scientific community, the knowledge passed to the general population, although not always with the desired clarity. Therefore, it is worth making a list of the truths or lies told about him.

1. Is there G-spot? Of course it is real and, "there is a point, is a relatively wide area that responds to stimulation with an increase in size. In technical terms we say that is an engorgement of certain glands, which empty their contents into the urethra, and in many women, not all, these glands 'fat', which makes the region, is reached when you get to feel the touch (penis or finger). "

Although the G-spot stimulation produces a lot of sexual gratification and can achieve orgasm, sex therapist points out: "I would not call it 'the zone', but one of the areas. Women are not like men, we have preference for specific regions, such as the penis or the head of it (glans), in response to these stimuli is more distributed. "

2. Each woman has a G spot in a different place and must be sought."Not so, if vagina split lengthwise into three equal parts, is in the outer segment at the top, and its location changes only slightly in each case. But not a bad idea to explore the vagina, because you can find other sensitive areas. The greatest misfortune is that the G spot is a term that is mistranslated because the word that means in English is spot; rather it means 'small area'. When we say G-spot seems to be like a mole and it is difficult to find. "

3. It is an irreplaceable pleasure point. In the words of the sex therapist, this is a very important, "but not even necessary for orgasm, as this can be achieved by stimulating other areas such as clitoris or cervix (lower, narrow part of the uterus). Some women even have orgasms without being touched, and almost everyone can achieve orgasm dreaming, giving us an idea of sexual climax depends not aim to be taken to stimulate a certain area. "

It explains that although you know very well where you are, the woman is not going to excite or have an orgasm if the conditions are. When you are tense, anxious, suffered sexual violence or have experienced a traumatic experience, stimulate the G spot hardly give the expected result.

4. Stimulation of this area is responsible for female ejaculation. There is nothing conclusive in this respect because, all women have a transurethral violent expulsion of fluid (not urine ) during orgasm due to the G-spot stimulation, or stimulation of this will result in expulsion of fluid always.

5. The G-spot orgasm provides different from the clitoris. "In some way is true, since all orgasms are different and vary in quality and intensity, but this does not mean that some are better than others."

The sexologist says that in recent years there have been studies in which brain scans were obtained to help identify which areas are activated during neuronal orgasm "and can not differentiate one from another. What changes is the description that the woman, for some, orgasm and G-spot stimulation of the vagina is 'deeper', and for others it is through clitoral stimulation or other areas. "

6. Not find it or encourage it is to have pleasure."Not true, it is the biggest lie of all lies. Point ".

7. The G-spot stimulation requires a special. "The stimulation should be as it pleases the woman, plain and simple. However, it is worth remembering that erotic feelings are different from others, because, for example, when we are thirsty we drink water for the stimulus disappears, while the erotic sensations always ask more than that generated at some intensity and rhythm. "

For a more pleasant
Although the location and G-spot stimulation can be difficult through self-examination, the sexologist details that are devices that help women achieve this goal. "It is recommended, especially to recognize the feeling and because the invitation is to discover his body."

This is something that almost everyone gives us many problems. We must recognize that pleasure is very important in life and that sexual satisfaction is necessary for the well-being. Unfortunately there is a long tradition of trying to control the pleasure to control people, it is thought to reduce productivity and time-wasting, but this is reversed: those who have contact with your pleasure live longer and better.

I hope we build a society that no longer repress the pleasure or erotic enjoyment and ways to look for when they are in a framework of responsibility and respect for the rights of all, not only permissible but desirable for the people come into contact with pleasure and live.

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