With the arrival of autumn, we have no other desire than to cuddle in the arms of our couple and spend the afternoon dedicating ourselves to each other. There is no better time than now to start with erotic massage.

The goal? Obviously relax, but also increase libido and revive the potential erotic of each body part.

Do you want to try? Walk with us the way of sensuality and tests massage which we offer, perfect for both men and women.

How do erotic massage on your head? Your couple lies on his back, his head on a pillow. Kneeling behind her begins with the front, make a smooth path with your finger from the nose and go to the birth of hair Alternating right and left hand. Repeat this movement a dozen times by varying the intensity of pressure, according to the desires of your partner. Finally, place your palms on his temples and hold the position for two minutes.

Why is it so good? Because these strokes stimulate the powerhouse behind the front, what we call the "third eye". Result: the tensions relax, the stress is removed, and a feeling of welfare takes over the person.

The best time to do erotic massage on the head:
Early in the afternoon, to go into labor! It is recommended to do so in a rather soft, will be the perfect preamble for other massage with greater erotic. Although you have no experience, this massage is easy to do, as well as fast, and allow you to familiarize yourself with the mutual physical contact.

The idea: For further eroticize your love; do not hesitate to make small circular movements over the scalp, rich points of sexual stimulation.

Please note: The ear is an area ultra sensitive and highly erogenous, which, when stimulated, it sends an electrical impulse directly to the gut. Take advantage and tickle the tongue or with your breath. But beware! Not everyone likes to be approached to the ear. So leave it at the first sign of rejection.

How do erotic massage on the back?
It's time to practice Californian massage! Your couple lies face down and you set yourself up to your head, palms of the hands on top of his back.

Gently slide your hands down to her buttocks, making a small stretch in the direction of his feet. Click the outline of her buttocks and slide your hands down the sides, then climb up to the armpits, before pulling the shoulders slightly upward to return to the starting position.

Repeat this movement increasing the pressure at the same time. Do not forget to synchronize your movements with your breathing couple: Amounts when inhale, down when it expires.

Why is it so good? Because relax! Muscular tensions fade under the influence of the stirring motion. Another advantage: massage revives the skin sensitivity. Your boy will be even more responsive to your touch!

The best time to do an erotic massage on the back: After a hard day of work, when you feel very stressed or tired. Relaxation and awakening of desire guaranteed!

The idea: To change a bit, know that the Californian massage can be performed also on the chest (the moves are the same as for the back) and the gut: position yourself to the right of your partner, put your hands on your abdomen and doing circles massage in the clockwise direction.

Please note: This massage actually called "Sensitive Gestalt Massage". We use the term "California" because the technique was born in this region of the United States in the 60's. Much more sexy!

Erotic massage on the arms
How do erotic massage on the arms? Sit next to your kid, take your left hand and place right on your palm, fingers toward his shoulder. Back gently from his wrist to the elbow, before falling again by the arm. Repeat twice.

Then put both hands on his forearms parallel to the shoulder and climbs even pressure. Back down to relax the pressure. Repeat this action several times.

Finally, put his right hand in yours and massages your palm with your thumb and then slide your index finger between your fingers. Do the same with the right arm.

Why is it so good? Many times we forget, but many houses arm erogenous zones, especially on the elbows (in the inner fold), fists and hands. Very rarely cherish these body parts, particularly sensitive to massage. See for yourself: a good massage in these areas seek your couple an intense feeling of pleasure.

The best time to do erotic massage on the arms: When you feel that invades your routine couple and daily physical contacts are becoming less frequent. The massage you will find arms hands and shoulders of another and highlight certain areas of the body that you have forgotten the simple gestures reserved for banal everyday life.

The idea: To make the hottest massage, run your tongue between your fingers and kiss him when you get the point.

Please note: Because of its symbolic meaning (protect and pamper), erotic massage in the hands and arms reinforces feelings within the couple unites you more.

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