Fad, need or hygiene? Everyone will have a special reason for shaving, plucking or trimming pubic hair-including men-but, what is the most recommended?, Going even further, is it appropriate to do so? Perhaps after reading the following radically change their views, or replace the method.

Usually the idea to shave the pubic area starts to haunt head when approaching the holiday period and have the opportunity to wear a swimsuit spectacular on the beach. Happens then we work on the technique employed and behold we have used to remove facial hair and / or the arms and legs, but will it work?

A few years now shaving the pubic hair has become enormously popular, and it responds to various causes, among which may be mentioned the changing trends in fashion swimwear, as the designs are becoming more sexy and low-cut, and use less material in their manufacture, which gives opportunity to the skin area appears as before did not.

Well, the reasons are exposed, and if you've never shaved the pubic area and want to do in the comfort of your home, these tips will be useful, remember, the vaginal area is very delicate and methods can be quite painful.

Depilatory creams - This is the least aggressive method and after application leaves the skin soft and smooth. Place the product in the area to be waxed and leave it only between 5 and 8 minutes to prevent skin redness, choose the kind for sensitive skin if used for the first time. Recall that this system cuts the hair, but not uprooted, in addition to the chemical formula often stain the skin after several uses.

Waxes - The most popular of all techniques, but can be painful the first time, in the United States sold a product whose formula includes sugar (sugaring), Making it kinder to whom he employs. As board believes that the skin is more sensitive to pain during the menstrual period, and two days before you are.

The hair may take 4 to 6 weeks to grow and the skin is very soft when the method is well made, but otherwise can cause ingrown hairs and irritation. It is important to note that the hair has to be a little longer to adhere to the wax, so you have to let it grow a bit between a treatment and the next, so if during this time has to wear a bathing suit must cover the hairs or shave the area. Another highlight is to note that the hair begins to grow slowly and during this time can cause itching and discomfort while urinating or having sex.

Remember that the best result is obtained while the area perfectly clean and free of sweat, so it is not recommended cream or soap before applying the wax, because it does not adhere to moist skin, if possible, clean with a cotton swab moistened with a little alcohol, or put some talcum powder to the skin is dry.

Do not apply a thick layer of wax, it should be as thin as a sheet of paper, almost transparent, it must be removed as quickly as possible and in one motion, always in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Shaving- Easy and cheap, but it has to be done frequently, can cause ingrown hairs and irritation, as well as growing unease generated, the cosmetics market offers several special razors to shave exclusively to women, which offer better treatment to the skin.

Had irritation, you can calm down with baby oil or cream with alpha hydroxyl acids, especially if there ingrown hairs, as are compounds that accelerate the reconstitution of damaged cells. If you decide to shave, the more subtle form of it is following the direction in which hair grows, because the opposite will do more irritation in the area.

Laser - Of course, there is a home method, but virtually no pain and is one that offers permanent results (require 6 to 8 sessions), the success of this technique depends on the type and strength of hair, but mostly the contrast has between it and the tone color of the skin, i.e., the ideal candidate is a white person with black hair, fair skin and hairs in the same color will only cause irritation. However, the laser beam can cause discoloration of the skin, and these will be more visible in dark or darker tones.

It is important to clarify that it is incredible that after shave or to wax the hair grow thicker and darker, even, all grow in the same tone.

Finally, we will tell the pubic hair, like that found in any other body part has an important protective function against the possible presence of impurities or germs in the area, and since the female genital is prone to infections, our recommendation is not completely removed which grows in the area referred to, because if so the door is left open to pathogens.

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