We tell you in three basic steps how to seduce a man in one blink.

Learn to seduce a man with eyes, whether you have just met you as if you take half a lifetime with him. Here are three basic steps to captivate.

1. Stares
A look can directly cause very powerful erogenous reactions in the recipient: accelerate your heart rate and brain activity, two key factors in sexual arousal.

2. Keep the look
Do this for about eight or ten seconds so that the hand to be truly effective: our brains need that amount of time to interpret a gesture message clearly. In addition, you'll be transmitting so you're daring ... and you all!

3. Remove the eye
Once planted the desire and sexual curiosity, the boy must stay hungry for more: it's his turn to take action. Do not forget that in the awake animal magnetism female but the male is who must hunt their prey. Their reproductive instincts have not changed since the days of caves.

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