It seems incredible that in the 21 century some women have limited the exercise of their sexuality, either by prejudice or by transmission from generation to generation unscientific information that misleads youth and adults to the extent of endangering their physical stability.

Macho culture, such as the Latin countries, relegate women sexuality and detract, thereby generating information that is not always true, impairs relationships, and sometimes health-threatening. So you should be aware of this issue and give its real value.

While the work of the media has served to disseminate transcendental aspects of sexual health and the importance of seeing a doctor with any questions or sign of trouble, it seems that what was done was still insufficient. That is why we present information that could be useful for her private life, and that will certainly result in a better relationship.

Oral sex does not cause cancer
Both the call fellatio (excitation kissing man from his genitals) and cunnilingus (oral stimulation in the female genital area) have an aura of insecurity that limits their practice, mainly because both semen and genital secretions are vehicles transmitters of viruses, bacteria and fungi generators venereal infections, but not cancer. The risk is when the mouth or sexual organs have a wound that is the gateway to the microorganisms mentioned.

It is by reference to other diseases that can be contracted through oral sex:
* Herpes. If you have a yeast infection in the mouth (manifested in the corners of the mouth), you should not oral sex can spread easily because the genital area, resulting in itching, burning and pain.
* Gonorrhea. It is produced by bacteria that moved from the genital area can attack the walls of the urethra (the canal through which urine passes) in man and the woman's vagina, or anus, rectum and throat in both. If not treated early can be very annoying and have consequences such as inability to have children, heart problems, skin and joints.
* Syphilis. It is acquired through sexual contact with people with contagious stage, whether so anal, oral or conventional. The bacteria (Treponema pallidum) Produces an ulcer (chancre) appears in a few days, but not addressed remain in the body, will play and will rally and other episodes of inactivity over the next 2 to 20 years demonstrate advanced cases inflammation of bone and cartilage (osteochondritis), as well as affecting skin, mucous membranes, muscles and / or heart and can lead to blindness, deafness, paralysis, brain damage and sometimes death.
* AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Not only is transmitted through semen and blood, but also for lubricating vaginal secretions and contaminated the male urethra, facilitating their entry into the body through wounds where there is contact with blood, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) weakens body system that fights diseases (immune) to the extent that an infection that is harmless under normal conditions can lead to death affected.

Swallowing semen is not harmful
Scientifically it has been shown that among the components of the semen found protein, but hardly could ensure that their intake represents a significant nutrient supply to meet the requirements of a person for everyday life or, even less, to gain weight. On the other hand, there is no evidence that vaginal secretions or semen swallowing is harmful to health, unless these fluids from a person who has a sexually transmitted disease, as previously noted.

The woman ejaculates
For many women embarrassment wet sheets, or even the mattress, the fluid secreted at orgasm involuntarily, as is often confused with urine to be expelled through the urethra (the tube that is removed the liquid waste).

First things first. It is well known that women produce a vaginal discharge at the time of arousal, which aims to lubricate the walls of the body to not be painful penetration. Many women lubricate abundantly, which does not always indicate that it is a female multi-orgasmic-but neither is this secreted fluid at the peak of orgasm.

The most advanced research indicate that the expelled fluid is an alkaline liquid secreted by the par-urethral glands, and its constitution have found an enzyme called prostatic acid phosphates and glucose (sugar), the release mechanism is activated as a result of pelvic contractions during orgasm. We must make clear that not all women experience ejaculation, it does not depend on a particular type of stimulation and that among those who will manifest a greater or lesser amount.

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