Women can get pregnant at first sex
Many people find it impossible to gets conception during the first sexual encounter, which has no medical basis and that biologically there is no impediment to make this happen-in fact, some women as a result of nervousness and anxiety before the wedding night or can advance their first ovulation and facilitate the design, something that happens very often.

Weight Gain with birth control pills
Some pills to prevent pregnancy have a side effect weight gain, however, the pharmaceutical industry has continued to investigate and has launched birth control pills have fewer side effects and even improve certain physical aspects such as the skin, which protects of acne.

However, there are other methods of contraception that can be used instead of the pill:
* Barrier. Male and female condom or diaphragm.
* Hormonal. In addition to pills, injections and implants of progesterone.
* Intrauterine devices.
* Natural. Rhythm and withdrawal, but are less reliable.

Note that the pharmaceutical market also offers spermicides in different forms (vaginal suppositories, creams, gels) and its importance lies in that they contain substances that kill sperm and applied in the vagina before intercourse.

Intercourse with care during pregnancy harms the fetus
When the mother is in good health may be sexually active without any problem. Some women consider inappropriate, believing that harm the fetus, other false thing, as the penis, however great it may be, never be able to enter the uterus, which is where the baby.

Rather, the important thing is to find positions that prevent the suffering woman's abdomen pressure, the most recommended are:
* Both the side, trying to back it fit close to the chest.
* She sat on the man, who has to lie.
* They may also resort to oral sex, about what is important to note that if the mother eats sperm will not be altered during pregnancy or suffer damage to the fetus, what is important is that the partner has not sexual transmitted disease.

Sexual desire is finished with menopause
At about age 48 she begins to experience changes in their reproductive generated as naturally produced by the ovaries (female hormones) in smaller amounts, and this is reflected in the suspension of menstrual bleeding (the latter is called menopause), excessive sweating, sudden surges of heat, fatigue and depression frequently. The set of these symptoms are known as climacteric.

Also, the lubrication in response to sexual stimulation or significantly decreases the time to achieve it is longer, in addition to the labia of the vagina reduce its thickness and uterine contractions become annoying, but not least, sexual desire is less intense than when they were 20 years younger. The above factors contribute to a woman avoids the issue of sexual relationships and practice, so that lovemaking with your partner become more spaced and apparently less pleasant.

Well, all is not lost. One option that many women have in mind is to resort to medical treatment with synthetic hormones to replace those that are no longer produced, which, besides helping to eliminate hot flashes, nervousness, irritability, emotional, mental instability, headaches or other symptoms climacteric, positively influence the maintenance of libido (sexual desire). Note that the requirement should be made by a gynecologist.

Scientific studies indicate that women who reach this age with a constant sexual activity will have less problems in this regard during the climacteric. However, there are other indicators to facilitate sexual lubricants can be used to facilitate the penetration, it should be done only if the woman is ready, and in case that the difficulties can be overcome not go to the sexologist before the relationship suffers.

Finally, it is important to mention the female condom, which is a reality that is increasingly popular is a thin sheath of polyurethane (plastic) that fits the walls of the vagina, has an inner ring, to place it easily , and an outer (larger) which prevents any contact between semen and vulva. Unlike the male are larger and can be placed up to eight hours before intercourse. Contraceptive efficacy is 95% when used correctly, plus it protects against sexually transmitted diseases.

Well, now has more elements to make your sex life more reliably and safely, do you think not?

Read more on How to Get Hard Rock Erection and increase sexual desire . And how to increase penis size for more sexual pleasure.

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