Pineapple offers significant benefits to help you control your weight. We propose different ways of taking it to not get bored.

Pineapple is a fruit normally like everyone. It is sweet, aromatic and juicy, you can find in supermarkets and greengrocers throughout the year and its price is quite affordable whatever your budget. We're not talking about expensive and luxurious extras, but a very ordinary fruit.

But two very important properties hoards care of your body: helps you lose weight and have powerful antioxidant properties.

Its diuretic properties also will help combat cellulites and its antioxidant effect helps slow the effects of age not only to preserve a better skin but all your body benefit to stay younger and healthier.

If you suffer from digestive disorders (such as irritable bowel or intestinal candida), pineapple has to be one of your food as it is a header excellent cleansing the digestive tract and helps eliminate harmful bacteria.

Moreover, in dietary terms, it is Low in calories (Approximately 50 calories per 100 grams of fresh pineapple) and is rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin C, making it one of the fruits healthier than you take. And is very satisfying, so that will help you control your impulses to eat.

It can be taken at breakfast, between meals, after meals (aids digestion so it reduce the symptoms of bloating and acidity), or even at meals. So, you have no excuse for avoiding it!

But, even delicious, eventually bored if you take it the same way, so we offer some ideas to get you to vary.

For breakfast or snack

You can take the pineapple with other seasonal fruits, sliced and then, if you like, diced. To benefit, you recommend once you cut the slice, proceed to cut the bark entering the knife on the outside and surrounding it until the other end.

Try a delicious and energy smoothie with a slice of pineapple cut into cubes (About two fingers wide, if the center is tender, add it too, because that is where the highest concentration of antioxidants), a banana, a glass of coconut milk a cup of cold green tea and if you want, you can add ice. You put everything in a blender or robot kitchen and you're done!

If it's for breakfast, you can combine with cereal grain toast or two to the accompaniment of your choice.

For lunch or dinner
The grilled pineapple is exquisite dishes accompanied by countless. You can attach it to your recipes rice white, Steaks and grilled eggs, tortillas ... just cut a slice, remove the crust, grilled round and round a minute each side, and voila!

If you fancy something to a light dinner or a weekend snack you can use the dice and pineapple mini skewers with cubes of cheese or turkey using a toothpick. Similarly, you can use long skewers to accompany meat or shrimp, for example.

In salads is very juicy and gives a twist, so do not hesitate to add it. Of course, does not combine well with onions, eggs or pickles. With tomatoes, it may be a bit sour to the taste, so try to avoid this ingredient, or spend a few cherry tomatoes on the grill with an oil droplet and let cool, and add a touch different and sweeter.

Information about how to lose belly fat, prevent cellulite from thigh, buttock and make boobs attractive.

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