The most common skin diseases, eczema, psoriasis and skin cysts occur more frequently, not after the fifties. People who already have been affected by such diseases can continue having them and those who have been lucky not having suffered either have more risks. But, conversely, the aging of the epidermis involves small dermatitis without gravity. May occur, for example, actinic keratosis is a skin lesion in the form of red dry plates in the body parts most exposed to the sun, especially the face, neck and hands and is very common, particularly in more sixty years. Although usually benign, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Also, although the aging skin becomes less fat and drier, it can happen that some hypertrophies sebaceous glands and lead to the formation of small pearl colored white lesions that are safe and that your dermatologist can be deleted without problem.

Are these little disease prevention? Do you have a beneficial effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or water cure spas?

A balanced diet rich in natural antioxidants, legumes, fruits, olive oil, fish-which fights free radicals, helps to slow the aging of the skin. This is a body 'hormone dependent' and therefore the menopause, to cease production of progesterone and estrogen, has implications skin. Some of these alterations can be corrected by HRT. Among other effects, enables the dermis thickness regain and recover certain elasticity. Follow this hormonal treatment or not is a decision that should take three: the patient, the doctor and dermatologist.

The other spa treatments can be effective for the skin. This, to become drier, has a tendency to itch and become irritated. The treatment centers specializing in the skin may actually contribute to improving their status and for a time suppress the feeling of irritation and tension.

What other minor discomfort may occur?
Appear more frequency small warts usually around the neck, armpits or body folds and very easily removed with a mild painless surgery almost no health hazard. They are sometimes confused with other small warts, the kind that are transmitted by the pool, but these are increasingly rare after fifty.

Some women were developed between fifty and sixty years an excessive hairiness in the chin or upper lip. Can be removed using two techniques. On the one hand, the laser, which slows its reappearance on the other, epilating, which is final. The latter requires several sessions, but neither is a painful remedy. For epilating, can be applied if necessary a cream with numbing effect.

Is the skin of older men in the same way as the women?
For men is a little different. Their skin contains many hormone receptors, particularly testosterone. Therefore it is thicker, rich in collagen fibers and, therefore, it is better equipped against aging. Furthermore, it appears that at the time of andropause, hormonal variations have less impact on the embrittlement of the skin, its elasticity and thickness.

Generally, men consult a dermatologist for two main reasons: the onset of baldness and folliculate of the beard. The latter is an inflammation of hair follicles to get a hair eruptions produced by topical treatments (antiseptic, anti-inflammatory or drying) disappear without much difficulty.

Read more on Secret of Radiant Look and skin care beauty and more about get glowing skin remedies.

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