Vitiligo is a disease characterized by destruction of cells producing the pigment that gives color to the skin (melanin), and although not serious psychological problems leads to unsightly due to the nature of their injuries, especially in people with dark skin.This condition, also known as leukoderma, is more common than you think (more than 1% of the world population suffers from it), and although it can occur at any age, is more common before age 20 or after 50. It is believed to affect more women by the number of reported cases, but now we know that men take the lead, they only delay the visit to the doctor and, therefore, the implementation of a white patches treatment.

The vitiligo spots have clear borders, are white and community located on the face, armpits, nipples, genital areas, back of hands and around nails, elbows, knees, ankles and back. Interestingly, they are usually symmetrical and often increase in size and number, which means they can come together. In addition, the hairs that grow in these spots are white (poliosis).

Types and Origins
As with many other chronic diseases, it is unknown what causes the leukoderma, but according to medical observations has been found some possible causes that trigger it:
* Immune. We have found an association between vitiligo and diseases caused by immune disorders, which raises the hypothesis that, because of disorder in the defenses, the body creates antibodies against melanocytes (melanin producing cells).
* Autonomic. It rests on the belief that certain substances used by the brain to exchange information (neurotransmitters) affect the production of pigment.
* Genetic. Some dermatologists have found a relationship inherited, although recent studies show that only 20% of patients with vitiligo have a relative with the disease.
* Psychosomatics. It was noted that an intense emotion or stress alter the formation of melanocyte-stimulating hormones, and in many such patients, after therapy, which exceeded by concern for their appearance in a few years to regenerate pigment, recovering the normal skin color.

On the other hand, vitiligo can be considered, based on its size and location, such as:
* Stable. When spots do not move or improve with conventional treatments.
* Located. If the discoloration is present in a particular area of the body and has no good response to treatment of re-pigmentation.
* Generalized. If the spots appear all over the body.
* Universal. When it has spread almost all tissue and areas of white patches are more extensive than those of normal skin. In this case reaches even recommend de-pigmentation.

Vitiligo Treatments
While there is no definitive cure or a medical procedure or specific only for this disease, it is certain that the affected person should always go to a dermatologist to establish its status as the evolution of this disease without treatment is unpredictable: some patients are bleached completely, others remain unchanged and in a few more spots disappear on their own.

In addition, we know of cases where there is an association between leukoderma and other conditions such as diabetes, Addison's disease (when the adrenal glands, located at the end of each kidney, are unable to produce enough corticosteroid hormones), anemia or severe abnormalities of the thyroid gland, so prompt medical diagnosis is highly recommended to determine if the problem exists only in the skin or in addition you have another condition.

The most common therapies aim to restore the pigment to expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation, are based on medicines that promote the generation of melanin (corticosteroids, psoralens) or, conversely, destroy the pigment in nearby areas, in order to decrease the contrast between affected and healthy skin. In some cases, are used for skin grafts.

However, the treatment of leukoderma is still difficult and different for every situation, because we must consider the date on which began to manifest, extent and location of the spots, as well as severity and activity related diseases present. In most cases it is recommended that the patient counseling, since any result is long term.

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