There erectile dysfunction when the man is unable to achieve sufficient rigidity of the penis, allowing full vaginal penetration, giving rise to an orgasm with ejaculation in the posterior vaginal depth, resulting in a satisfying sexual relationship.

What is it?
This failure has to be manifested persistently, to consider it as broken. It has now been eliminated term impotence, to remove any derogatory sense. The term erectile dysfunction hews to the ability of penile erection and not includes changes in sexual desire, ejaculation or orgasm.

Who is affected?
Affected at different rates depending on the country and in the U.S. 52% of men between 40 and 70 have erectile dysfunction to some degree. The age is the most important risk factor to suffer from erectile dysfunction of any degree and the older, more severely the process. Erectile dysfunction may be a symptom other diseases important as the Diabetes, hypertension, Atherosclerosis, liver disease, Etc. Other times it results of decision chronicle Drug With hormonal, psychotropic or antihypertensive. Both the alcohol abuse as drugs has been associated with erectile dysfunction. The snuff erectile dysfunction causes vascular damage, but has also been associated as an independent risk factor for chronic diseases associated with consumption of snuff.

What are its causes?
In the sexual act involving a variety of physical and psychological factors. Altering one or merging several altered, can lead to an erectile dysfunction cause physical, mental or mixed.

The alterations more frequent vascular and especially arteriosclerosis. This group includes the individuals with cholesterol height, smoking, diabetes and people with high blood pressure. They may also suffer erectile dysfunction, damage to the vasculature; People who have suffered trauma to the bones of the pelvis or have been treated with radiotherapy.
ED consultations with neurological as a cause, are less frequent. But occurs in diseases of brain As Parkinson, Alzheimer, thrombosis and stroke. Also the alterations of the spinal cord, including hernia Disk, spine fractures with spinal cord injury. The people who have been treated surgically for cancer prostate, colon or rectum May also have erectile dysfunction.

Individuals with affective disorders with erectile dysfunction with great frequency. 90% of patients with depression serious, Have some form of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can also have people with stress professional, problems of social and working environment, those with anxiety or psychosis.
How is it treated?
Because erectile dysfunction is triggered, in most cases, by multiple factors, treatment must address different facets. Should be oriented to the expectations and wishes of the patient, with the participation of its spouse in the discussion and choice of treatment. A number of common actions all types of erectile dysfunction. It lifestyle guide in cases of stress and overwork. It is important to find time for rest and for the relationship. It is known that when there is the problem of erectile dysfunction, you have to face it with a little sense of humor, which always provides some things. It quit the snuff and alcohol. Strive to exercise regularly. Try replacing drugs that interfere with sexual function, one that has less involvement. It they are well controlled diseases associated with erectile dysfunction. Although most patients will benefit from symptomatic treatment, i.e., unrelated to the cause, sometimes causal treatment is used, such as the treatment of a psychologist specializing in sexology when the cause is psychological, or Surgical treatment of arterial injury of a young woman who has suffered trauma.

Information on erectile dysfunction treatment and How to Get Hard Rock Erection. And More on how to increase penis size for more sexual pleasure.

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